Add a Pattern to our Database

Did you notice a pattern that's missing from our database, either something new or one we skipped?

First, please check that it's not already in the database by searching for the name. Then if you can't find it, fill out as much of the info below as you would like. The more details you provide, the quicker we can get the pattern up on the website! But as long as you enter the required info, we can fill in the rest.

If there's a Designer we are missing completely, the easiest way to bring them to our attention is to submit one pattern here. You don't need to submit all their patterns, we will add them to our list and go fetch their latest ones!

Required Information

Optional Information

Age Groups

Describe the pattern a little. What type of garment is it? What are its design features or options? Is there anything else you'd like to say about it?

You can also email us at to let us know about new patterns or designers!